Friday, July 16, 2010

Mini Haul + A MICROMINI surprise :D

Hey lovelies,

My bad for ditching this little site of mine - I have quite a bit on my plate at the moment and my laptop has been crashing on me HEAPS this week, making editing photos a total bitch. 
MACBOOK Pro definitely top my wish list atm (maybe apart from MAC In the Groove Collection LOL) as my current 1 yo ASUS is giving me a massive headache - it shuts down for no apparent reasons and when I try switching it on, it shuts down RIGHT AFTER I logged in and sometimes even before I logged into Windows. This can go on for an hour and I ended up giving up trying. Does any of you have problems like this? Enlighten the IT noob here, please. 


I would like to share with you guys a couple of stuff I purchased from UXCELL.COM and a lil surprise at the end. I was first introduced to this "evil" website by a friend at work- where you're able to get iPhone casing for a much cheaper price.And being the girly girl I am, I LOVE pretty iPhone casings, don't we all? =P

Got this 2 during my first haul - I am so proud of myself for being able to limit myself from buying all the 23948203482348203840223423 pretty iPhone casing.

Why did I have to limit myself when they are much cheaper?

thanks to "insider information" (ie, my friend LOL), you get a USD 5 voucher along with your subsequent purchase and that cover part of the shipping costs.

Like most of the products selling at a wholesale price, you get ripped on the shipping costs and this is the case with UXCELL.COM too. Well, not exactly ripped, you just have to pay heaps - Its US5 for the first item and USD2 for the subsequent item (if I am not mistaken).

My second haul - an impulse purchase made when I was watching Spain V Portugal match cos I am awesome like this.

You can probably tell I love my pinks by now. =P The colour isn't the exact representation of the actual casing due to the lighting and being the noob I am, I don't really know how to fix it.

Bought this hair removal thing for USD 0.99 (excluding shipping) HOW CHEAP AYE? There was a hype about this hair removal product thing on YouTube a while back and if I am not mistaken, it costs more than USD10, which is WAY expensive compared to the one I got. Well, its still nicely wrapped and I am still yet to try it out. Hopefully, it does the job and doesn't hurt like a bitch!

Some random roller curls thingo that I bought out of curiosity cos it was cheap. Another sign of shopaholism - purchasing stuff cos it looks"cute and pretty" or cos its "so cheap" 
I wanted to get the one in pink but they are out of stock and I don't really want to wait for a month or so for it, so I opted for baby blue instead.

Disclaimer: All products mentioned above are purchased with my own money.



Just so you know, its nothing big at all
Instead of using my 5 dollars voucher to purchase more stuff, I decide to give it away to one lucky follower of mine as a token of appreciation
I am sorry if you guys were expecting a massive giveaway. That will come eventually.=P

Just leave a comment below with your email address - so that I can email you the code number if you're the lucky one. :) AND let me know if you're a follower on google friend connect or twitter. =P

This is open till Sunday (18th of July 2010)  11:59 AEST.



DICTASHION. said... I'm a follower ;)

Karen said...
I'm a follower on your blog.

R.ChamberofBeauty said...

Your blog is very nice and those cases are lovely....check out my blog...
